Three Reasons Why You Should Integrate Native Advertising Into Your Marketing Mix

Have you ever scrolled through an article and noticed an advertisement that looked like it was part of the article? The ad might have been marked as “recommended by” or “suggested post,” but it is hard even to notice those words as they blend with the content you were reading. This type of advertising is called native advertising, and it is defined as an advertisement that matches the platform it appears on, causing it to appear as an “in-feed” advertisement, and below are three reasons why you should incorporate native advertising as a marketing technique.

  1. Less Intrusive – As mentioned in the definition, these advertisements match the platform’s layout a person is viewing. These ads can be less intrusive since it does not disrupt what they are already viewing. Native advertising allows for ads to blend in, capturing an audience’s attention more naturally.
  2. More Engagement and Better Performance – Because this strategy is less disruptive to users, they want to engage more with the advertisement. According to the Native Advertising Institute, this type of ad receives higher views, click-throughs, and conversions.
  3. Higher Level of Credibility – Native advertisements naturally appears in the content a person is viewing. This allows these ads to be more customized to a person’s search interest, becoming more relevant to the user. For example, in an article about snowboarding, a native ad could be placed advertising a brand of snowboarding gear. Viewing an ad in this way can lead to people finding these advertisements to be more trustworthy.

What tactics are you using in your marketing mix? Talk with a Sage representative today to learn how we can help you connect with your target audience.