5 Tips For Reaching Your Customers In The Aftermath Of The Pandemic

You had your finger on the pulse of the times. You knew your clients and how to serve them. Then COVID-19 happened.

To say that the pandemic has altered business plans is an understatement. Now, as we navigate 2022, marketers are struggling to predict the behavior of businesses and consumers alike. The struggle is real. It doesn’t have to be, though.

Take the time to do things right, and your audience will take notice. And without further ado, here are five tips for reaching your customers* in the aftermath of the pandemic:

1. Provide options

In the post-pandemic world, customers need options. Studies suggest that print is more memorable, while digital is more readily accessed on the go. The role of human interaction should also not be discounted. In recent research, 73% of professionals were more willing to look at a website after having someone explain how to access it**. Virtual options like video teleconferencing make it easy to see faces, engage, and invite customers to connect more deeply with your brand.

2. Anticipate needs

Know your customers so well that you can predict their needs before they even think to ask. Provide channels for communication and follow developments that are highly likely to impact them professionally. Knowing the industry is an essential first step in predicting your customers’ challenges.

3. Offer engaging content

The future is here, and it’s one defined by concerns about unlimited access to consumable information. Offer content that engages. Tell the story of how your brand can help your customers on their professional journeys.

4. Engage in social listening

Communicating with customers isn’t just about sharing your content—it’s about soliciting feedback and incorporating the responses you get. It’s about listening to discover what kinds of things are being said about you in the market. It’s a tedious task, no doubt—but this is where technology can help.

Sites like Hootsuite, Sprout, and HubSpot offer options for posting content and tracking mentions.

5. Develop the relationship

Finally, develop the relationship. This is the time to show care and concern and engage with the human emotions that are likely to seep into the professional workplace. Connection is vital in loyalty, and it starts with empathy. There has been no better time to demonstrate that than now, and those who do it well can realize a competitive advantage over those who do not.

The takeaway is this: versatility, engagement, and connection are of the utmost importance going forward. They are essential in the aftermath of COVID-19 and are the cornerstones of competitive advantage in the workplace.

*Diebner, R., Silliman, E., Ungerman, K., & Vancauwenberghe, M. (2020, December 12). Adapting customer experience in the time of coronavirus. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/adapting-customer-experience-in-the-time-of-coronavirus

**Balis, J. (2021, March 10). 10 truths about marketing after the pandemic. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2021/03/10-truths-about-marketing-after-the-pandemic.