NASN School Nurse

NASN School Nurse is a bimonthly peer-reviewed nursing journal that focuses on the field of school nursing. It was established in 2001 and publishes evidence-based clinical resource articles related to the broad scope of school nursing practice. The editorial advisory board seeks articles on emerging issues, innovation in school health, and resources related to student health while also providing regular sections such as asthma/allergies, diabetes/endocrine, mental/behavioral health, chronic disease management, healthy communities, immunizations/infectious disease, screenings & referral, and advocacy/systems-level leadership.

NASN School Nurse is published by the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), the leading worldwide expert for school health services. NASN improves the health and educational success of children and youth by developing and providing leadership to advance school nursing practice. NASN also represents school nurses on national and federal committees which affect health services to children, supplies written and oral testimony to Congress about school health services on request, and advises members of federal legislation affecting school health services.

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