Email Alerts

Reach audiences from around the world who have registered to receive alerts from their favorite journals.

Custom eBlasts

Customizable for your objectives and budget, these emails are sent to a pre-determined, targeted list of readers. These emails may be entirely dedicated to sponsor content or can contain curated content with a special sponsor section.

Online Banner Advertising

Reach a larger universe than print subscribers alone. Promote your products and services through high impact, online advertising with SAGE. We offer tailored options to meet your advertising needs, including geo-targeting and website linking, and can provide comprehensive usage reports allowing you to calculate return on investment.

Interact with your audience online with a banner ad placed on a journal’s website.

  • Leaderboard 728×90
  • Medium Rectangle 300×250
  • Skyscraper 160×600
  • Wide Skyscraper 300×600
  • Rate: $90 CPM
  • Minimum buy required
  • Position and Website sponsorship options available

High Impact Digital Advertising

Enhance your digital advertising with these rich media options. Premium rates apply—contact your sales rep for details.

Interstitial Banner Ad

A pop-up banner that appears when a visitor to a journal site page navigates to another page on the site.

Pushdown/Expandable Banner

A banner ad that can expand to a larger size from one of the basic banner sizes available.

Sticky Banner

When the user scrolls, causing the original banner position to fall out of view, the same banner will then appear at the bottom of the page and remain there until the user scrolls back up and the original banner spot is within viewing range again.

Video and scrolling banners may be incorporated with any of these digital advertising offerings.

Accepted file formats include: GIF, animated GIF, JPG, PNG, third party tags.

Expanded Reach Digital Advertising Solutions

Channel Buy

Expand your reach across an industry or therapeutic area! SAGE Journals reach a mix of health care professionals across many therapeutic areas and specialties. With a Channel Buy, your banner ad will rotate across numerous journal websites within a dedicated channel, offering you a broader reach to your targeted audience. Take advantage of discounted CPMs for a high-volume purchase.


Maximize your digital campaign’s reach, frequency and ROI by leveraging SAGE’s proprietary first-party data collected on our journal sites’ visitors. We capture data when a user visits our journal sites. When that user leaves our site and browses the Web, your ad will be displayed on the other reputable sites they visit within the Google network. 100% viewable impressions guaranteed.